[ Table of Contents ] [ Disk Image ] BACKTRACK (BACKTRACK.ACT) is an ATARI 8-bit game written in ACTION! by Sam Teague. It uses the joystick, redefined character sets, player/missile graphics, sound, three-frame-animation, multiple screens, and more. The source code can be found on the website. I copied the source code and pasted it into an Altirra session running the ACTION! cartridge. There is also an atarimania page . And an page . As the source code on the web site doesn't have any special ATARI ATASCII characters displayed, I'm not 100% sure that the code was correct. That being said, I was able to get it entered, saved, compiled, and executing. The program is too large to compile in memory, so I saved it to disk, rebooted, than compiled it from disk and ran it. To compile the program from disk, boot the disk image with the ACTION! cartridge installed. Go to the Monitor (<CTRL><SHIFT> M). Then C "D1:BAC...